Colon Hydration
Colon Hydrotherapist
Colon Hydration and Greenville Health and Wellness
Winthrop University Jan 1, 2000 - 2002
Masters, Master of Arts, Education
State University of New York at Fredonia Jan 1, 1994 - 1998
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Wellness Wellbeing Healing Detoxification Health and Nutrition Relaxation Meditation Acupuncture Stress Management Stress Personal Development Nutrition Alternative Medicine Supplements Lifestyle Wellness Coaching Nutritional Counseling Therapeutic Massage Chronic Illness Fitness Digestive Disorders Deep Tissue Massage Bodywork Weight Energy Healing Herbal Motivational Speaking Reiki Insomnia Life Transitions Essential Oils Hypnotherapy Headaches Fibromyalgia Neck Pain Myofascial Release Sports Nutrition Weight Management Chakra Balancing Fertility Chair Massage Nutrition Education Personal Training Stretching Lifestyle Coaching Yoga