Bernard Gilligan 1964 graduate of Pleasantville High School in Pleasantville, NY is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with Bernard and other high school alumni from ...
Bernard Delgado
Bernard Delgado
Bernard Delgado
From Babylon to Rome: The Kingdom of God | A....
From Babylon to Rome: The Kingdom of God | A.R. Bernard How can we pra...
1h 16m 12s
For All Of You Dry Christians | A.R. Bernard
For All Of You Dry Christians | A.R. Bernard Welcome to our Worship Ex...
1h 17m 22s
The Gift of Change | A.R. Bernard
Welcome to our Worship Experience How can we pray for you? Prayer Requ...
51m 5s
Delgado Brothers, If I don't get home
Performed and recorded live for Dutch national radio, Countdown Caf on...
5m 17s
"Jesus Said Tithing Is Not Enough" | A.R. B...
"Jesus Said Tithing Isn't Enough" | A.R. Bernard What did Jesus say ab...
1h 4m 52s
Ivan Delgado vs Robert Rivera I Hopkins vs Sm...
Ivan Delgado vs Robert Rivera, Saturday Dec 17 at the Los Angeles Foru...