
Bernard L Strehler


from Laguna Niguel, CA

Also known as:
  • Bernard Louis Strehler
  • Bernard L Strehie
  • Bernard R
Phone and address:
31561 Crystal Sands Dr, Laguna Beach, CA 92677
949 240-2241

Bernard Strehler Phones & Addresses

  • 31561 Crystal Sands Dr, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 • 949 240-2241
  • Laguna Hills, CA
  • 2310 Laguna Circle Dr, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 • 818 889-6667 • 818 991-0169 • 818 991-3086
  • Agoura, CA
  • Healdsburg, CA
  • San Pedro, CA
  • Orange, CA
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Bernard L. Strehler
31561 Crystal Sands Dr, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Isbn (Books And Publications)

  • Time, Cells, And Aging

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  • Author:
    Bernard L. Strehler
  • ISBN #:

Us Patents

  • Parallel Associative Memory System

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  • US Patent:
    51229846, Jun 16, 1992
  • Filed:
    Jan 7, 1987
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Bernard Strehler - San Pedro CA
  • International Classification:
    G11C 1500
  • US Classification:
    365 49
  • Abstract:
    A plurality of memory units, called "mnemonds", is each capable of storing data elements and of responding to requests to recover those data elements from storage. A plurality of mnemonds is arranged in a linear array, with each mnemond connected to be capable of responding to signals from its neighbor mnemonds. When a data structure is stored, each array stores a copy of that data structure, either allocating the elements of the data structure one per mnemond (with possible wrap-around to the beginning of the linear array) or allocating the data structures to one or a predetermined number of mnemonds. When a data structure is to be located in memory through cueing, precise correspondences between data stored and cueing data entered identify the unique location or locations of said matching data; when a data structure is to be recovered from memory, identification of its location permits recovery of data in that location or in that location and succeeding locations. One or more arrays, of differing lengths so that the allocation of data elements is also differing, is collected to form a memory bank. One or more memory banks operates under the control of a central control unit.
  • Visual/Voice Input Recognition Sensor

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  • US Patent:
    48916021, Jan 2, 1990
  • Filed:
    Jan 7, 1987
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Bernard Strehler - San Pedro CA
  • International Classification:
    H03K 500
  • US Classification:
    381 45
  • Abstract:
    Raw feature sensors are arranged in rank order for sensing raw features which exceed a respective set of raw feature values. Each raw feature sensor determines if a feature exists which falls within its range. The raw feature sensors have ranges which are exponentially separated by a constant factor, which may be chosen to allow easy approximate calculation of small integer ratios or other important ratios. A contrast-enhancer may be used in the case of visual data to improve the operation of the raw feature sensors. A ratio-detector network is repsonsive to the raw feature sensors and calculates ratios of the raw feature data. The ratio-detector network pairwise ANDs each possible pair of results from the raw feature sensors and combines these pairwise AND results with OR gates to generate a set of outputs, each of which indicates the detection of a single ratio.


Bernard L Strehler - Wikipedia Article Audio

For more information, please, visit: This is an audio version of a W...

  • Duration:

Strehler prova Le nozze di Figaro

In un filmato di Lorenzo Arruga, realizzato in una sala del Piccolo Te...

  • Duration:
    25m 45s

Rptitions de l'Arlequin de Goldoni selon Stre...

  • Duration:
    9m 24s

L'Homme bless, de Patrice Chreau (1983) | ext...

Apparition muette et fugitive de Bernard-Marie Kolts.

  • Duration:
    1m 4s

Documentaire sur Goldoni par Giorgio Strehler...

  • Duration:

- 1980 | The Storm - Giorgio Strehler 1980

Piccolo Teatro di Milano.

  • Duration:
    2h 43m 11s

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