
Behrouz Amini

age ~74

from Knoxville, TN

Also known as:
  • Amini Behrovz
Phone and address:
790 Cedar Bluff Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923
865 531-3892

Behrouz Amini Phones & Addresses

  • 790 Cedar Bluff Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923 • 865 531-3892
  • Farragut, TN
  • Ithaca, NY
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Behrouz Amini
Microfission Technology
Whol Medical/Hospital Equipment
790 N Cedar Blf Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923
PO Box 32033, Knoxville, TN 37930

Us Patents

  • High Power Adjustable Rf Coupling Loop

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  • US Patent:
    6426681, Jul 30, 2002
  • Filed:
    Oct 23, 2001
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Behrouz Amini - Knoxville TN 37930
  • International Classification:
    H03H 500
  • US Classification:
    333 24R, 333230, 315500, 315 541
  • Abstract:
    A high power adjustable rf coupling loop which is used to interface a transmission line to a resonant cavity is described. The coupling loop is made entirely of metallic parts and therefore is ideal for high power rf applications. Contrary to all existing loops it does not require water cooling Among the unique features of this loop is the fact that it is adjustable. Subsequently the combined impedance of the loop and cavity can be adjusted to match perfectly with the line impedance rendering almost zero reflected power.
  • High Power High Yield Target For Production Of All Radioisotopes For Positron Emission Tomography

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  • US Patent:
    6917044, Jul 12, 2005
  • Filed:
    Jan 3, 2002
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Behrouz Amini - Knoxville TN, US
  • International Classification:
  • US Classification:
    2504921, 376195, 376194, 376245, 376156
  • Abstract:
    A high power high yield target for the positron emission tomography applications is introduced. For production of Curie level of Fluorine-18 isotope from a beam of proton it uses about one tenth of Oxygen-18 water compared to a conventional water target. The target is also configured to be used for production of all other radioisotopes that are used for positron emission tomography. When the target functions as a water target the material sample being oxygen-18 or oxygen-16 water is heated to steam prior to irradiation using heating elements that are housed in the target body. The material sample is kept in steam phase during the irradiation and cooled to liquid phase after irradiation. To keep the material sample in steam phase a microprocessor monitoring the target temperature manipulates the flow of coolant in the cooling section that is attached to the target and the status of the heaters and air blowers mounted adjacent to the target. When the target functions as a gas target the generated heat from the beam is removed from the target by air blowers and the cooling section. The rupture point of the target window is increased by a factor of two or higher by one thin wire or two parallel thin wires welded at the end of a small hollow tube which is held against the target window.
  • Method And Machine For Enhancing Generation Of Nuclear Particles And Radionuclides

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  • US Patent:
    61309265, Oct 10, 2000
  • Filed:
    Jul 27, 1999
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Behrouz Amini - Knoxville TN
  • International Classification:
    G21G 110
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A cyclotron and a target system containing rotating foils composed of target nuclide to undergo nuclear reactions with the beam from the cyclotron are integrated into one unit such that the foils intercept the orbit of the accelerating beam in the cyclotron. Accordingly, the beam strikes the foils to undergo nuclear reaction therein and to correspondingly lose a small portion of its energy in its passage through the foils. The transmitted beam from the foils gains the lost energy to the foils as it circulates in the accelerating zone of the cyclotron and subsequently re-strikes the foils. This process of continuing strikes results in accumulation of the beam current striking the foils and proportionally increases the rate of nuclear reactions. Since the beam after striking the foils is re-circulated and regains the energy loss to the foils, the integrated unit is termed the Recyclotron. The targets are designed to dissipate the heat from the beam load primarily by radiation.


Behrouz Amini Photo 1

Behrouz Amini

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Behrouz Amini Photo 2

Behrouz Amini


Behrouz Amini Photo 3

Behrouz Amini

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Behrouz Amini Photo 4

Behrouz Amini

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Behrouz Amini Photo 5

Behrouz Amini

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Behrooz Vossoughi/ Max Amini

This is from the famous play "Az Mahvareh ba Eshgh" Staring Behrooz Vo...

  • Duration:
    9m 43s

Cinema Paradiso

... ennio morricone.

  • Duration:
    3m 21s


  • Duration:
    2m 5s

old friend toots thielemans

  • Duration:
    1m 19s

Everything I Do

Everything I Do ... ...

  • Duration:
    1m 8s

Behrouz Amini

  • Duration:

Get Report for Behrouz Amini from Knoxville, TN, age ~74
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