Awards and Publications:
Humar A, Morris M, Blumberg E, Freeman R, Preiksaitis J, Kiberd B, Schweitzer E, Ganz S, Caliendo A, Orlowski JP, Wilson B, Kotton C, Michaels M, Kleinman S, Geier S, Murphy B, Green M, Levi M, Knoll G, Segev D, Brubaker S, Hasz R, Lebovitz DJ, Mulligan D, O'Connor K, Pruett T, Mozes M, Lee I, Delmonico F, Fischer S. Nucleic acid testing (NAT) of organ donors: is the 'best' test the right test? A consensus conference report. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2010 Apr; 10(4).
Krüger B, Krick S, Dhillon N, Lerner SM, Ames S, Bromberg JS, Lin M, Walsh L, Vella J, Fischereder M, Krämer BK, Colvin RB, Heeger PS, Murphy BT, Schröppel B. Donor Toll-like receptor 4 contributes to ischemia and reperfusion injury following human kidney transplantation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009 Mar; 106(9).
Dhillon N, Walsh L, Krüger B, Ward SC, Godbold JH, Radwan M, Schiano T, Murphy BT, Schröppel B. A single nucleotide polymorphism of Toll-like receptor 4 identifies the risk of developing graft failure after liver transplantation. Journal of hepatology 2010 Jul; 53(1).
Stock PG, Barin B, Murphy B, Hanto D, Diego JM, Light J, Davis C, Blumberg E, Simon D, Subramanian A, Millis JM, Lyon GM, Brayman K, Slakey D, Shapiro R, Melancon J, Jacobson JM, Stosor V, Olson JL, Stablein DM, Roland ME. Outcomes of kidney transplantation in HIV-infected recipients. The New England journal of medicine 2010 Nov; 363(21).
Dhillon N, Walsh L, Krüger B, Mehrotra A, Ward SC, Godbold J, Radwan M, Schiano T, Murphy B, Schröppel B. Complement component C3 allotypes and outcomes in liver transplantation. Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society 2010 Feb; 16(2).
Murphy B, Waaga AM, Carpenter CB, Sayegh MH. Inhibition of the alloimmune response by synthetic peptides derived from highly conserved regions of class II MHC alpha chain. Journal for 12th International Histocompatibility Conference 1996 June;.
Sawinski D, Wyatt CM, Casagrande L, Myoung P, Bijan I, Akalin E, Schröppel B, DeBoccardo G, Sehgal V, Dinavahi R, Lerner S, Ames S, Bromberg J, Huprikar S, Keller M, Murphy B. Factors associated with failure to list HIV-positive kidney transplant candidates. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2009 Jun; 9(6).
KO8 Award (National Institute of Health - 1997)
Member (American Society of Nephrology - 2001)
Young Investigator Award (Basic Science - 2003)
Chair (American Society of Nephrology - 2003)
Chair (American Society of Transplantation - 2003)
Member (NIAID/NIH - 2004)
Irene and Dr. Arthur M. Fishberg Professor of Medicine
Councilor-at-Large (American Society of Transplantation - 2004)
Evans RW, Applegate WH, Briscoe DM, Cohen DJ, Rorick CC, Murphy BT, Madsen JC. Cost-related immunosuppressive medication nonadherence among kidney transplant recipients. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2010 Dec; 5(12).
Executive Committee and Chair 2007 (ATC - 2005)
Gurkan S, Luan Y, Dhillon N, Allam SR, Montague T, Bromberg JS, Ames S, Lerner S, Ebcioglu Z, Nair V, Dinavahi R, Sehgal V, Heeger P, Schroppel B, Murphy B. Immune reconstitution following rabbit antithymocyte globulin. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2010 Sep; 10(9).
President Elect (American Society of Transplantation - 2007)
Akalin E, Dinavahi R, Dikman S, de Boccardo G, Friedlander R, Schroppel B, Sehgal V, Bromberg JS, Heeger P, Murphy B. Transplant glomerulopathy may occur in the absence of donor-specific antibody and C4d staining. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2007 Nov; 2(6).
Gallon L, Akalin E, Lynch P, Rothberg L, Parker M, Schiano T, Abecassis M, Murphy B. ACE gene D/D genotype as a risk factor for chronic nephrotoxicity from calcineurin inhibitors in liver transplant recipients. Transplantation 2006 Feb; 81(3).
Marder BA, Schröppel B, Lin M, Schiano T, Parekh R, Tomer Y, Murphy B. The impact of costimulatory molecule gene polymorphisms on clinical outcomes in liver transplantation. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2003 Apr; 3(4).
Murphy B, Auchincloss H, Carpenter CB, Sayegh MH. T cell recognition of xeno-MHC peptides during concordant xenograft rejection. Transplantation 1996 Apr; 61(8).
Murphy B, Kim KS, Buelow R, Sayegh MH, Hancock WW. Synthetic MHC class I peptide prolongs cardiac survival and attenuates transplant arteriosclerosis in the Lewis-->Fischer 344 model of chronic allograft rejection. Transplantation 1997 Jul; 64(1).
Murphy B, Magee CC, Alexander SI, Waaga AM, Snoeck HW, Vella JP, Carpenter CB, Sayegh MH. Inhibition of allorecognition by a human class II MHC-derived peptide through the induction of apoptosis. The Journal of clinical investigation 1999 Mar; 103(6).
Murphy B, Yu J, Jiao Q, Lin M, Chitnis T, Sayegh MH. A novel mechanism for the immunomodulatory functions of class II MHC-derived peptides. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2003 Apr; 14(4).
Ommen ES, Schröppel B, Kim JY, Gaspard G, Akalin E, de Boccardo G, Sehgal V, Lipkowitz M, Murphy B. Routine use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in potential living kidney donors. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2007 Sep; 2(5).
Ommen ES, Winston JA, Murphy B. Medical risks in living kidney donors: absence of proof is not proof of absence. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2006 Jul; 1(4).
Roland ME, Barin B, Carlson L, Frassetto LA, Terrault NA, Hirose R, Freise CE, Benet LZ, Ascher NL, Roberts JP, Murphy B, Keller MJ, Olthoff KM, Blumberg EA, Brayman KL, Bartlett ST, Davis CE, McCune JM, Bredt BM, Stablein DM, Stock PG. HIV-infected liver and kidney transplant recipients: 1- and 3-year outcomes. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2008 Feb; 8(2).
Schröppel B, Fischereder M, Ashkar R, Lin M, Krämer BK, Mardera B, Schiano T, Murphy B. The impact of polymorphisms in chemokine and chemokine receptors on outcomes in liver transplantation. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2002 Aug; 2(7).
Schröppel B, Fischereder M, Lin M, Marder B, Schiano T, Krämer BK, Murphy B. Analysis of gene polymorphisms in the regulatory region of MCP-1, RANTES, and CCR5 in liver transplant recipients. Journal of clinical immunology 2002 Nov; 22(6).
Schröppel B, Zhang N, Chen P, Chen D, Bromberg JS, Murphy B. Role of donor-derived monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in murine islet transplantation. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2005 Feb; 16(2).
Schröppel B, Zhang N, Chen P, Zang W, Chen D, Hudkins KL, Kuziel WA, Sung R, Bromberg JS, Murphy B. Differential expression of chemokines and chemokine receptors in murine islet allografts: the role of CCR2 and CCR5 signaling pathways. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2004 Jul; 15(7).
Slavcheva E, Albanis E, Jiao Q, Tran H, Bodian C, Knight R, Milford E, Schiano T, Tomer Y, Murphy B. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to acute allograft rejection. Transplantation 2001 Sep; 72(5).
Zang W, Kalache S, Lin M, Schroppel B, Murphy B. MHC Class II-mediated apoptosis by a nonpolymorphic MHC Class II peptide proceeds by activation of protein kinase C. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2005 Dec; 16(12).
Zang W, Lin M, Kalache S, Zhang N, Krüger B, Waaga-Gasser AM, Grimm M, Hancock W, Heeger P, Schröppel B, Murphy B. Inhibition of the alloimmune response through the generation of regulatory T cells by a MHC class II-derived peptide. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2008 Dec; 181(11).