Azim Eskandarian - Great Falls VA, US Ali Mortazavi - Walnut Creek CA, US
International Classification:
G08B 23/00
US Classification:
340575, 340576
A drowsiness detection system and method uses Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) signal processing to detect whether a vehicle driver is drowsy. The system uses a decomposed component of the steering wheel signal to extract specific features representing the steering control degradation phases. The system classifies the measured features into alert or drowsy state. The detection system is independent of the road geometry and automatically compensates steering control performance variability between drivers. The system is accurate in detecting the drowsy periods and drowsy-related lane departures. The detection system is unobtrusive and can be applied on-line.
Step inside the new lab of Azim Eskandarian
Learn more about the Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Machines Labor...
2m 6s
Azim Eskandarian
Azim Eskandarian is a professor in both the Department of Civil and En...
3m 14s
Professor Azim Eskandarian
Azim Eskandarian is a professor in both the Department of Civil and En...
3m 14s
GW Expert Series: Azim Eskandarian
This series of video advertisements has been designed to highlight the...
1m 39s
Address to Hokie Graduates: Azim Eskandarian,...
1m 17s
ASME DSCD Dynamic Systems and Control Divisio...
Prof. Azim Eskandarian is Nicholas and Rebecca des Champs Professor an...