
Arlyn Lee Schupman

age ~87

from Hays, KS

Also known as:
  • Arlyn L Schupman
  • Arylyn Schupman
  • Hupman S Arlyn
Phone and address:
2006 Eisenhower Rd, Hays, KS 67601
785 222-3284

Arlyn Schupman Phones & Addresses

  • 2006 Eisenhower Rd, Hays, KS 67601 • 785 222-3284 • 785 628-1387
  • 2247 Avenue H, La Crosse, KS 67548 • 785 222-3284
  • Liebenthal, KS

Us Patents

  • Harvester Header Transport Apparatus

    view source
  • US Patent:
    53615697, Nov 8, 1994
  • Filed:
    Jul 26, 1993
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Arlyn L. Schupman - Hays KS
    Myron L. Schlegel - Hays KS
  • International Classification:
    A01D 7300
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A transport apparatus for a harvester header includes a pair of separate front and rear dollies. Each dolly includes an elongated transverse frame member having opposite lateral ends and extending in transverse relation to the direction of towing of the header, a pair of support members mounted on the transverse frame member between the opposite lateral ends thereof for underlying and supporting a lower portion of the header in a craddled relation extending across the transverse frame member, and wheels connected to the transverse frame member for movably supporting the transverse frame member to undergo movement over the ground in towing the header. Each dolly also includes an attachment member for mounting to an upper portion of the header spaced above the lower portion thereof being supported by the support members and a vertical column mounted upright on one of the lateral ends of the transverse frame member and coupled to the attachment member to undergo selective vertically slidable movement and horizontally rotatable movement relative thereto to convert the dolly between a lowered transport position in which the transverse frame member is disposed under the header and the wheels are engaged on the ground and a raised stored position in which the transverse frame member is disposed alongside the header and the wheels are spaced above and off the ground.

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