Therapeutic Apparatus As An Expandable Pressure Point Mat Comprising Pressure Point Fingers To Target Human Tissue Areas To Relieve Pain And Provide Therapeutic Treatment
Anya Bokeria - Austin TX, US Roger Borbon - Austin TX, US Nathali Parker Weisman - Austin TX, US
International Classification:
A61H 7/00
A therapeutic apparatus for providing a therapeutic treatment is disclosed. The therapeutic apparatus includes mats. Each mat includes first pressure point fingers. Each first pressure point finger extends from the surface of the mat. The therapeutic apparatus includes a connector connecting the mats. The connector comprises second pressure point fingers. The second pressure point fingers have a similar construction to the first pressure point finger. The mats position side-by-side with the help of the connector exposing the first pressure point fingers of each adjacent mat and the second pressure point fingers of the connector providing a continuous array of pressure point fingers. A user rests over the first pressure point fingers and the second pressure point fingers for applying pressure to targeted areas of human tissue to relieve pain and get therapeutic treatment.