Aug 2014 to 2000 machine operator/PLC ProgrammingD.O.R.S Lewistown, IL Jan 2008 to Feb 2010 personal assistant
Illinois manufacturing foundation Chicago, IL 2013 to 2014 certificates for trade skills milling,turning,surface grinding,CAD/CAM programming. in manufacturing technology
blueprint reading and design,precision measurement, geometric tolerancing.
Spahn Ranch - Charles Manson Location
Join us as we explore the infamous Spahn Ranch in Chatsworth, Californ...
13m 3s
1969 Spahn Ranch & Barker Ranch Raids origina...
4m 59s
What Did I find at the Spahn Movie Ranch in C...
Welcome! What Did I find at the Spahn Movie Ranch in Chatsworth? Manso...
13m 30s
Stuntman Stories: Gary Kent at Spahn Ranch
Gary Kent describes his time working at Spahn Ranch.
2m 55s
Top 8 Manson-Family Girls - in order
Suppose you dropped by Spahn Ranch in 1969, and Charlie told you to pi...
4m 5s
BOOK REVIEW: The Manson Family: More to the S...
please subscribe to H. Allegra Lansing YouTube channel ...
26 posts-18 authors-Last post:19 MayYou raise me up... To more than I can be. You inspire me Marc Anthony Spahn! Katie. [[KaTiE]] 5-29-07 katie spaHn, Jun 4 2009 5:06 PM ...