Annie Koh, associate professor of finance at Singapore Management University, believes Asia has recognized the need to implement climate-smart growth. "Government, the private sector and civil society in Asia agree that Asia can no longer ignore the evidence pointing to how rapid growth can deplete
Date: Jun 15, 2014
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Annie Koh
Honolulu, Hawaii Glencoe, Illinois San Francisco Seoul, South Korea
Hawai'i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Kearny Street Workshop Asian Pacific Fund
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Urban & Regional Planning, Yale University, Phillips Exeter Academy, Seoul National University
Grew up in the tough streets of the Chicago suburbs, hustling library books and Girl Scout cookies for a living, before falling in with a bad crowd at Yale University and becoming an arts and NGO junk...
Annie Koh
Annie Koh
Annie Koh
Annie Koh
Annie Koh
Annie Koh
Annie Koh
PIHEC 2022 SPECIAL REMARKS - Prof. Annie Koh
Summary: Prof. Annie Koh touches on the importance of the resilience a...