Jan 2011 to 2000 Adjunct ProfessorFamily, Group Therapist in Private Practice
Oct 2010 to 2000 Mental Health ClinicianHowardCenter Burlington, VT Oct 2005 to Jul 2010 Trauma Coordinator in the Outpatient ClinicDCF, Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, Baird Center
Oct 1997 to Oct 2005 Family TherapistBaird Center, now called HowardCenter
2000 to 2002 Individual TherapistNortheastern Family Institute Williston, VT 1996 to 1997 Clinical case manager for adolescents and their familiesGreentree Boys Home, Lutheran Social Services Brockton, MA 1995 to 1996 Program ManagerMA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Brockton, MA 1990 to 1995 Outpatient Therapist/Intensive Therapeutic Family Worker/Protective Case Worker/Goodstart WorkerNOVA Program, Northeastern Family Institute Brockton, MA 1987 to 1990 Supervisor/Counselor
Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA 1989 to 1992 Masters in Social WorkBoston College Chestnut Hill, MA 1984 to 1988 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Gabby Thomas ties an Allyson Felix record wit...
Tokyo bronze medalist Gabby Thomas of the U.S. wins the women's 200m d...
4m 37s
Allyson Felix secures Worlds spot while teena...
Nineteen-year-ol... Talitha Diggs follows up her NCAA title with a na...
7m 19s
Race Breakdown: Allyson Felix In The Mix In T...
Kevin takes a look at Allyson Felix's 400m race in Poland and explains...
6m 14s
Childhood's End-Short FIlm
Commissioned project by Cheyanne DeMaggio and Allyson Compagnoni. A Bl...
9m 49s
Alison Dos Santos claims sixth win of the sea...
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1m 14s
Women's 100m Athletics Last 5 Champions!
Enjoy this look back at the last 5 Women's 100m winners at the Olympic...