Macintosh, Windows and Linux Operating Systems. Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Word. Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, MySpace, Google+. Content management systems: WordPress Comprehension of HTML, CSS, graphic and web design. Knowledge of Nikon cameras, digital and 35mm. Experience with black/white film processing and printing. Understanding of digital processing and printing. Experience with controlled lighting. Ability to communicate as well as follow verbal and written instructions. Facility to be patient, accurate, and detail-oriented. Knowledge of scanning film negatives and ephemera to digital images with an ability in operating scanning equipment, including bound book & newspaper scanners, digital camera backs, digital single lens reflex cameras, flat-bed scanners, sheet-feed scanners, slide scanners and microfilm scanners. Able to work within challenging time limitations.