
Alice P Osteen

age ~87

from Durham, NC

Also known as:
  • Alice Prince Osteen
  • Alice Res Osteen
  • Alice P Osten
Phone and address:
2410 Dawn Trl, Durham, NC 27712
919 383-3783

Alice Osteen Phones & Addresses

  • 2410 Dawn Trl, Durham, NC 27712 • 919 383-3783



Alice Osteen Photo 1

Alice Osteen (Alice) Mys...

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Alice Osteen (Alice)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.
Alice Osteen Photo 2

Alice Osteen (Alice) fri...

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Alice Osteen (Alice)'s friends on Myspace. Social entertainment powered by ...


Taking Control Of Your Thoughts | Lisa Ostee...

God's peace will invade your heart and mind when you choose to rejoice...

  • Duration:
    32m 22s

Healing Scriptures with Dodie Osteen EXTENDE...

6 HOUR VERSION of my mom, Dodie Osteen, reads healing scriptures, pray...

  • Duration:
    6h 20m 53s

Recognize Who You Are | Joel Osteen

Don't let a distorted image of who you are keep you from your purpose....

  • Duration:
    28m 14s


Powerful prayers, scriptures and declarations to speak over your home....

  • Duration:
    24m 16s

Healing Scriptures w/ Dodie Osteen

Listen as my mom, Dodie Osteen, reads healing scriptures, prays and sh...

  • Duration:
    54m 25s

When You Don't Know What To Do | Lisa Osteen ...

Don't be afraid or discouraged by the challenge in front of you. God i...

  • Duration:
    35m 34s


Alice Osteen Photo 3

Alice Mainwaring (Osteen)

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Corvallis High School Corvallis MT 1983-1987
Alice Osteen Photo 4

Corvallis High School, Co...

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Alice Erickson (1944-1948),
Leanne Williams (2004-2008),
Alice Osteen (1983-1987),
Danielle Gulli (1997-2001)
Alice Osteen Photo 5

Englewood High School, Ja...

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Bryan Volkmann (1974-1978),
Gail Craig (1965-1969),
Lucretia Fordyce (1988-1992),
Alice Osteen (1962-1966)


Alice Osteen Photo 6

Alice Osteen Mainwaring

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Alice Osteen Photo 7

Alice Osteen

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