Mcpherson Dental
Dental Hygienist
Wichita State University
Dental Hygiene Student
Prairiestar Health Center Feb 29, 2016 - Jun 1, 2017
Dental Outreach Assistant
Wichita State University 2017 - 2019
Bachelors, Dental Hygiene
Hutchinson Community College 2014 - 2016
Hutchinson Community College
Microsoft Office Public Speaking Leadership Community Outreach
Eric Christiansen (1989-1994), Shayla Bird (1999-2002), Brian Jones (1993-2000), Ali Walker (1999-2002), Courtney Ball (1999-1999), Jamilyn Kennell (1991-1994)
I'm ali, I have the abilitly to be one of the smartest and most insightful people you've ever met in your life. Ask me what I'm thinking and I'll tell you.
Ali Walker
Ali Walker
Wife, mommy, and vampire. no really, I am.
Ali Walker
Ali. 20 years old. boyfriend who I love. live in a small town. trying to live life to the fullest!