Alexia Wilson (1980-1984), Sharon Johnson (1978-1982), Laura Wilson (1970-1974), Pam Thomas (1974-1978), Anthony Campana (1993-1997), Steven Hackler (1986-1990)
Introducing The Wilson Alexia V Loudspeaker |...
Please excuse the sometimes compressed and discolored footage. A bad m...
10m 47s
Alexia V - Wilson Audio's Latest Speaker Vast...
The SoundStage! Australia Lead-In video series showcases products that...
12m 29s
Dialing in my Alexia V Loudspeakers... | W/ P...
Lee Scoggins had the pleasure of hosting Wilson Audio's Peter McGrath ...
18m 55s
Wilson Audio Alexia V meets Robert Koda at Im...
It was a nice party, guys! Imacustica - Lisbon opened its doors to doz...
27m 53s
Wilson Audio Alexia V - a lovely work of art ...
The video opens with the Freddie Hubbard Band, an analogue track conve...
4m 28s
Brief Listen: Wilson Alexia 2 Speakers and...
Here's the complete system: Spiral Groove SG 1.2 turntable, with a Lyr...