
Albert W Eddy


from Winona, MN

Also known as:
  • Albert B Eddy
  • Al B Eddy
Phone and address:
765 Menard Rd APT 329, Wilson, MN 55987
507 454-2259

Albert Eddy Phones & Addresses

  • 765 Menard Rd APT 329, Winona, MN 55987 • 507 454-2259
  • 135 Waterford Cir, Winona, MN 55987
  • 990 Gilmore Valley Rd, Winona, MN 55987


Albert Eddy Photo 1

Albert Eddy

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Vehicle Records

  • Albert Eddy

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  • Address:
    135 Waterford Cir, Winona, MN 55987
  • Phone:
    507 454-2259
  • VIN:
  • Make:
  • Model:
  • Year:

Us Patents

  • Method And Apparatus For Printing The Interior Of Hollow Articles

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  • US Patent:
    46675949, May 26, 1987
  • Filed:
    Apr 29, 1985
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Albert W. Eddy - Winona MN
  • International Classification:
    B41F 1700
    B41F 1720
  • US Classification:
    101 35
  • Abstract:
    A method and apparatus for applying a printed image to an interior surface of a hollow article is disclosed. The method involves using a mandrel with an expansible block having an outer surface for transferring an image, and means for exerting a force on the block to cause the block to expand in the cavity of the hollow article to effect image transfer. Use of mechanical compression and fluid pressure as alternatives for expanding the block are disclosed.
  • Method For Fabrication Of Communicative Buttons And Buttons Made Thereby

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  • US Patent:
    39970523, Dec 14, 1976
  • Filed:
    Dec 2, 1974
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Albert W. Eddy - Winona MN
    Roger W. Lyngklip - Winona MN
  • International Classification:
    A44B 700
    B23P 1102
    B29C 1704
    B65B 4710
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A method for fabrication of a relatively low cost display or communicative novelty button in which a consumable restrictor sheet is placed over a vacuum draw type female mold cavity. The restrictor sheet may be of cardboard and be apertured with a diameter smaller than the mold cavity diameter. A thermoplastic sheet material is then placed over the restrictor sheet, heated to reach a formable state and vacuum drawn through the restricted aperture and down so that the sheet comes into contact with and generally conforms to the desired shape defined by the mold cavity. The plastic sheet material may then be trimmed near the edge of the restrictor sheet to leave a button shell mounted on a restrictor sheet which may then be used for purposes of display. The restrictor sheet also enables fabrication with an inwardly facing peripheral groove that may be used to secure a pin fastener. An alternate form of fastener in which a portion of the remaining plastic sheet is used is also disclosed.
  • Button And Apparatus For Fabrication Thereof

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  • US Patent:
    41309561, Dec 26, 1978
  • Filed:
    Jun 22, 1976
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Albert W. Eddy - Winona MN
    Roger W. Lyngklip - Winona MN
  • Assignee:
    Technigraph Corporation - Winona MN
  • International Classification:
    A44C 300
  • US Classification:
    40 15
  • Abstract:
    A method and means for fabrication of a relatively low cost display or communicative novelty button in which a consumable restrictor sheet is placed over a vacuum draw type female mold cavity. The restrictor sheet may be of cardboard and be apertured with a diameter smaller than the mold cavity diameter. A thermoplastic sheet material is then placed over the restrictor sheet, heated to reach a formable state and vacuum drawn through the restricted aperture and down so that the sheet comes into contact with and generally conforms to the desired shape defined by the mold cavity. The plastic sheet material may then be trimmed near the edge of the restrictor sheet to leave a button shell mounted on a restrictor sheet which may then be used for purposes of display. The restrictor sheet also enables fabrication with an inwardly facing peripheral groove that may be used to secure a pin fastener. An alternate form of fastener in which a portion of the remaining plastic sheet is used is also disclosed.


An examination of hypotheses concerning earnings forecast errors.: An article from: Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics

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This digital document is an article from Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, published by University of Nebraska-Lincoln on March 22, 1992. The length of the article is 4847 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and i...

Albert Eddy, Bruce Seifert



University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Albert Eddy Photo 2

albert eddy

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clackamas, Oregon


Prince Eddy The King We Never Had

for more documentaries go to and donate --- This revealing film uses...

  • Duration:
    48m 53s

Eddie Albert: War Hero (Jerry Skinner Documen...

Eddie Albert was awarded a Bronze Star with combat V after returning t...

  • Duration:
    26m 15s

Eddy Arnold - Make the World Go Away (Officia...

Music video by Eddy Arnold performing Make the World Go Away (Audio). ...

  • Duration:
    2m 44s

Cattle Call

Provided to YouTube by RLG/Legacy Cattle Call Eddy Arnold Cattle Call...

  • Duration:
    2m 43s

Eddie Albert - "Don't Think Twice, It's All R...

Eddie Albert sings Bob Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" (fr...

  • Duration:
    3m 23s

Eddy Arnold- Cattle Call

Eddy Arnold- Cattle Call from The Best of Eddy Arnold Album. I DO NOT ...

  • Duration:
    2m 50s


Cvs Buys Target Pharmacies; Locals React

CVS Buys Target Pharmacies; Locals React

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  • CVS has been around a long time, and they're well known and I shop there all the time. I'm just glad to see them growing. I'm happy to hear it, says Nichole Orth of Farmington.I like Target, they're okay, but I don't go to their pharmacy, adds Albert Eddy of Fairview.
  • Date: Jun 16, 2015
  • Category: Business
  • Source: Google


Albert Eddy Photo 3

Albert Eddy

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Valley High School Pine Grove WV 1992-1996
Rebecca Fordyce, Tammy Clayton, Celia Bucher, Heather Miller, Tana Morris, Theresa Mason, Justin Holthaus, William Greathouse, Georgeann Anderson, Gen Moore, Cindy Haught, Richard Price
Albert Eddy Photo 4

Albert Eddy

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Valley High School Pine Grove WV 1992-1996
Rebecca Fordyce, Tammy Clayton, Celia Bucher, Heather Miller, Tana Morris, Theresa Mason, Justin Holthaus, William Greathouse, Georgeann Anderson, Gen Moore, Cindy Haught
Albert Eddy Photo 5

Albert Eddy-gonzalez, Tuc...

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Albert Eddy-gonzalez 2006 graduating class of Amphitheater High School in Tucson , AZ
Albert Eddy Photo 6

Albert Eddy, Wilkes-barre...

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Albert Eddy 1963 graduating class of Coughlin High School in Wilkes-barre, PA
Albert Eddy Photo 7

Valley High School, Pine ...

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Laronda Stackpole (1981-1985),
Jeremy Derby (1995-1999),
Tonya Price (1975-1979),
Albert Eddy (1992-1996),
Christena Blinkmann (1995-1999)
Albert Eddy Photo 8

Glendale High School, Gle...

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Albert Eddy (1967-1971),
Timothy Koh (2002-2006),
Jennifer Davern (1992-1996),
Lance Durham (1989-1993),
Sean Sullivan (1984-1988),
Steve Kirakosian (2000-2004)


Albert Eddy Photo 9

Albert Eddy 'Attieh Ld

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Evelyn Cayanan, Ahmad Nasser, Tarek Saidi, Georges Debbas, Elie Habib
Albert Eddy 'Attieh (London)
Albert Eddy Photo 10

Albert Eddy Benazeraf

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Albert Eddy Photo 11

Albert Eddy

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Albert Eddy Photo 12

Search Names Eddy ALBERT

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