Memsstar Limited Jan 2008 - May 2010
Senior Applications Technologist
Red Mesa Product Consulting Jan 2008 - May 2010
Applied Materials 1989 - 2001
Process Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin 1978 - 1981
Bachelors, Chemistry
Semiconductors Mems R&D Product Development Troubleshooting Cad/Cam Software Development Integration Testing Business Intelligence Solar Energy Equipment Design
Equiment Design Process Design Mechanical Product Design Project Management Process Engineering Manufacturing Semiconductors Spc Design of Experiments Semiconductor Industry Metrology Failure Analysis Ic Cvd Gas Jmp Plasma Etch Six Sigma Engineering Management Design For Manufacturing Product Development Pecvd Semiconductor Process
A system and method which implements a preferred embodiment of the present invention detects the endpoint of a process by monitoring changes in chamber pressure in real time. The endpoint of a process may be detected for processes that produce measurable changes in chamber pressure. For example, chemical reactions conducted within the chamber, such as during a cleaning process, may result in changes to chamber pressure. As the chamber is cleaned, the chamber pressure is maintained using an evacuation conductance modulating device, such as a throttle valve, to prevent gaseous by-products of the cleaning process from changing the chamber pressure. As the cleaning process progresses, less contaminants exist and less by-product evolves. As a result, if the throttle valve position is held constant, then variables, such as a decrease in the rate of change in chamber pressure, can be used to detect the endpoint of the process.